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Charlie joins Devon in a bar to continue drinking away his problems. He vaguely informs Devon of a secret involving work. After guiltily breaking his promise to his wife that he would quit drinking, Charles hallucinates his wife on his way home. When he arrives back at his house, Victoria and him fight about his abuse and loss of money. He tries to apologize to his wife, but due to his drunken stage, he cannot find the words to do so. Upset, Victoria walks away, leaving her intoxicated husband alone with his secret. The next day, Charles confesses to his wife that his boss is stealing money from him and Victoria. Although there may be consequences involved, Victoria insists they tell the authorities. When Charles shows reluctance towards this action, Victoria decides that if he does not "murder" Damian's career she would do it herself.

Summary of Scene

Preface to Scene

Devon is drunk at a bar, when Charles joins him, even though he promised to quit drinking. Leaving The Three Witches (the bar), Charles has a hallucination of his wife, Victoria, and begins to apologize for his addiction and the secret, that his boss is stealing from work. Returning home from experiencing a drunken hallucination, Victoria and Charles have a fight. The next day, Charlie informs her of his bosses wrongdoings. She proposes they tell the authorities murdering Damian's career.

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